
Share:See you soon (Coldplay)


Share:See you soon (Coldplay)


So you lost your trust 你失去了信任

And you never should have 然而你不應如此

And you never should have 你實在不應如此

But don’t break your back 別為此心力交瘁

If you ever see this 要是你看見這首歌

But don’t answer that 也不需有所回應

In a bullet-proof vest 即使你將自己重重防備

With the windows all closed 鎖上心中門扉

I’ll be doing my best 我依然會竭盡所能

I’ll see you soon 趕來見你一面

In a telescope lens 在遠處默默守護著你

And when all you want is friends 在你最需要朋友的時候

I’ll see you soon 我就會出現在你身邊

So they came for you 傷心過往纏著你

They came snapping at your heels 緊緊跟在你身旁

They come snapping at your heels 至今仍揮之不散

But don’t break your back 但別為此心力交瘁

If you ever hear this 要是你聽見這首歌

But don’t answer that 也不需有所回應


I know you lost your trust 我知道你失去了信任

I know you lost your trust 我知道你失去了信任

I know don’t lose your trust 請別從此失去了信任

I know you lost your trust 我知道你失去了信任